Cherry Blossoms in the Spring, Created by Joyce, Age 14, Grade 8, Oil on canvas, Art Teacher: Ellen Shlayan
Creative children are often passionate about their interests and become absorbed in their artistic projects. They engage their creativity with new ideas and perspectives. Another
important trait they embrace is persistence. They persevere in order for their ideas to become realities.
According to creativity experts, Susan Daniels and Daniel Peters, “Persistence is a
necessary trait to see the creative spark realized, to see the creative idea develop into the creative project.”
The development of this trait is evident in the following middle school student’s reflection about her painting. She embraces her creativity with skill, passion, and lots of
“Being an artist has taught me that people view things differently. I learned that artists have many styles and techniques, and that we all should embrace our creativity. Ms. Shlayan
helped me become the innovative artist I am today. She guides me to create artwork that demonstrates my skill, passion, and love for art. Creating this artwork was mentally strenuous
as I really wanted to focus on the details and developing the colors for this piece. It was physically tiring too. I took respites from time to time to allow my arm to rest. I
persevered through it all."