Museum Monday
Since many museums are closed on Mondays, I'll bring a museum to you.
This week it's in the form of a clever book, Unlikely Pairs, by Bob Raczka. If you need a creative way to introduce famous works of art to children, try sharing this book with them.
What Bob Raczha does is encourage children (or adults) to make imaginative connections by grouping 28 famous works of art into 14 "unlikely pairs." While the pairs are unlikely to be seen next to each other in a museum exhibit, they are very likely to create laughter and imaginative responses from children.

I've used this book many times with upper elementary-aged children, and they always love it! We've used it as a springboard for creative writing and for creating our own unlikely pairs. The back of the book also includes information about the artists.
I've already written about how play develops creativity and imagination, and this book promotes both. (Needless to say, I would like to thank the clever media specialist who introduced me to the book.)
Don't miss Bob Raczka's other fun books about art, including Art Is . . .