
Play is Productive




In addition to fostering creativity and learning, play makes a child's life more fun.  Since children are naturally playful, their imaginations soar within environments that allow them to play and experiment without needless restrictions.

We know that all work and no play makes. . . 



Julia Cameron has information and many helpful suggestions about the value of play in her book, The Artist's Way for Parents:  Raising Creative Children.  In fact, she argues that we never reach an age where play is not productive.  Yes!

A puzzle game we've been making time for is Perplexus (we have the original version) - a three dimensional maze game where players move a marble through a series of clever twisting barriers.  The game allows children to "exercise their motor and dexterity skills, as well as improve their hand-eye coordination." It also promotes concentration and persistence.

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Nikki (Tuesday, 07 January 2014 19:09)

    Peter Gray, psychologist, has a wonderful article in aeon
    explaining the importance of play.

  • #2

    Debra (Wednesday, 08 January 2014 09:11)

    Thank you for sharing Peter Gray's article. I just read it. It's a well-written, well-researched piece that ties in the importance of play to creativity.

Contact Information

Debra Lemieux

If Then Creativity



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